Friday, August 5, 2011


So happy it's Friday. 
Not that I really get a weekend break from my job, but I love the weekends bc Josh is home with us.
Weekends are just too short. :(
I don't think anything too exciting is going on. Maybe some house hunting. We are still waiting to hear back from that one place we want way bad. Good news is they already called our references and checked our rental history. Which are both great so everyone cross your fingers for us please! :)

It's kinda funny how things work out. About 2 or 3 months ago I was blogging, begging people to take our furniture and stuff. Now here I am, about to blog about how if anyone has any furniture they don't want to let us know. haha
I'm not too worried about it, but it would be nice for Josh and I to at least have a bed to sleep on. Like I mentioned before both the kiddos still have most all there stuff. Really that's most important. :)

Nothing too exciting about this post. Mostly I am just trying to take advantage of the fact that I have a few minuets to blog! :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Talk to ya soon!

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